April 19, 2006


I love talking to myself. Not like I’m not under the affluence of incohol as some tinkle peep I am. I'm not half as thunk as you might drink. I fool so feelish I don't know who is me, and the drunker I stand here, the longer I get. For the entire 40 lays of dent.. uggh!! days of lent, I haven’t had a sip of any spirit or wine, not that I’m a regular drinker, or I’m that extra religious or anything of the sort. I don’t support Men who drink too much and I don’t stand by women organizations who don’t allow their husbands to even think anything close to the word ‘alcohol’. There’s a pretty good reason to explain why its good to have a couple-a-beers sometimes & besides I just have a few good friends who require little company to do that.

A herd of buffalo can move only as fast as the slowest buffalo. When the herd is hunted, it is the slowest and the weakest ones at the back that are killed first. This natural selection is good for the herd as a whole, because the general speed and health of the whole group keeps improving by the regular culling of the weakest members.

In much the same way, the human brain can only operate as fast as the slowest brain cells. Excessive intake of alcohol, we all know, kills brain cells, but naturally it attacks the slowest and weakest brain cells first.In this way, regular consumption of beer eliminates the weaker brain cells, making the brain a faster and more efficient machine. That's why you always feel smarter after a few beers.

1 comment:

Parul said...

This is good!
Very good infact!