September 27, 2006


Pringles always seem like such a good idea when you first start eating them. I start wishing that everything was made out of Pringles. Like my house. Then I could eat my house and go outside to where there are more Pringles to fix my house with. Then I'll go eat my neighbor's car, and play all innocent when he asks me if I ate his car. Eventually I'll cave in and tell him that Pringles are so good, and his car looked so good I couldn't help myself. He'll say, That's okay Glenn. Then he'd invite me inside his house where we'd eat some more Pringles.

But that fantasy is always short lived, because after a few minutes of eating Pringles, I start to feel sick. so I tell myself to stop eating the Pringles. That will make me feel better. but I only proceed to feel worse, even though I have ceased eating the Pringles.


Parul said...

Someone's got to grow up!

but yeah pringles are hard to let go...n harder to hold on to...

Sarah said...

hahahha, I must tell you Glenn, you're a true source of entertainment. The first few things I would do online is to check e-mails/comments/ your blog!!

glenn said...

c_c : Look who's talking

Sarah: Thanks!!

menopausal_ballerina said...

have you considered investing in one ofthe smaller sized pringles?(cylinders)
ie: if you can foresee all this id be wiser to speand on 2 smaller pringles feasts rather than one big sickening one