September 17, 2006

The truth, I strongly suspect, is that love is a bit of a twee (maybe even sad) little illusion, a happy story that we tell ourselves to pretend that even if everything isn't all right now, it will be in the future. Maybe. If we hope desperately enough.

We're not talking agape here.

Sometimes, you wonder…what's the fucking point? Why even bother? Does it actually even mean anything?


Good night.


Parul said...

it's a matter of perspective...
n perspectives keep changing as the events of r lives takes different turns...
life as a whole is twisted mate...
dun generalise things based on one single experience...

irremisible_imposter said...

relationships are not always about finding similarities is more about "respecting the differences"...
when ur down..u think.."ohh,wat's kept in all these things,after all??"
but then,it's not easy to jus leave aside and move on wid life.u might be very busy but at the end of the day that void remains...

glenn said...

- ella, love's blind ! what can i say.

- c_c & i_i, Thanks.